I put a spell on you

Psycho!I commented Towleroad that, while I do have some sympathy for him, Daniel Pierce appeared to be provoking his family into a fight for the camera. I also said I was bothered that so many commenters werepainting Christians and people from the South with such a broad brush. Since I have both Christian and Southern friends, I find this offensive. Yesterday, I got this hilarious Facebook message from Martin Stevenson in Atlantic City:


Listen here you vile BIBLE THUMPING, self hating OLD AS DIRT, apologetic Christian cult following piece of dirt. You blame a gay boy who comes out to his family and say he was itching for a fight in the same breath you demand respect for your VILE CHRISTIANITY (that you pretend to not be a part of)….DIE OF CANCER you Christian mother fucker. We will call you Christian FILTH out on your homophobia every fucking chance we get. EVERY chance we get we'll hold you Christians accountable for MURDERING our gay community throughout history. You bible deserves to be burned. KNOW THAT. and know the gay community will be galvanized standing together supporting this gay boy and ALL gay youth. We will call out your Christian faith EVERY SINGLE opportunity we get. Btw, you're not very smart posting your actual pics attached to your endorsing of homophobia and excusing of vile Christianity. all your pics will be taken and a screenshot of your homophobia will be plastered ALL over the internet, so that anytime someone does a google search of you, it will be seen.

You Christian gays deserve the most painful form of cancer for using the gay community for your needs but belittling us during our time of need. And then you wonder why the collective gay community hates you bastards with a passion. As for you, and bashing a gay youth, and defending Christianity, your reputation needs to be hammered and exposed….and it will be.

I replied "Pardon? I'm an atheist. Please."

Oh back peddle much? You're a little too old to not take accountability for your disgusting commentary. A young gay man on video gets rejected, verbally assaulted and physically harassed by his own family who shame him to hell …s scenario played out every day across our country and instead of showing sympathy and empathy for the gay man, you FAULT HIM for his frustration and more over, the only comment you contribute in the towleroad thread is taking issue with things said about scum bag Christians. You are a farce who is being exposed on multiple gay forums. In fact, I've taken the entire day just to create a website and screenshots of your picture and name next to your homophobic commentary shaming a rejected gay youth. Funny how the gay community has to apologize for words we said regarding Christians, because according to you that's so taboo and hurtful, but yet a old war horse creep like you overlooks the horrible actions by the Christian family toward their gay son. You need to iron out your internalized homophobia, old man. You're wayyyy too old to be wrestling with so much self hate issues.

The gay community, our collective gay voices, our gay activism is not going anywhere. And we will consistently be HOLDING YOUR CHRISTIAN FRIENDS ACCOUNTABLE FOR A LIFETIME OF LEGISLATIVE & SOCIETLA HOMOPHOBIA stemmed directly from their organized religion. If you think you'll guilt trip the galvanized gay community in speaking out and speaking up against the multitude of wrongs your church crowd has enacted toward gay people (including that gay child) you have another thing coming!

"Ooh! This is exciting! BTW, what form of cancer should I die from?"

I would say colon….slow, painful and agonizing. And trust & believe, some of us do spells ….I've already sent the energy your way. Enjoy the chemo

You deserve every ounce of pain gay youth endure in the face of rejection from homophobic family….but you deserve it ten fold, and you'll get yours. Trust in that.

At the moment I and a few of my friends are a little too preoccupied trying to send a mass email to all your friends with a screenshot of your comment in relation to that story. You want to paint yourself as some pillar for gays in Maine to show off and be a poser, but behind your friends back, your true colors are exposed and should be exposed even further. Only a pathetic, narcissistic, sociopath, old, ugly as dirt monster sides with a homophobic family, shames a gay child for not behaving "appropriately" over a traumatic incident and then goes on a rant about the RANCID, HEINOUS, REVOLTING Christian church and how we gays need to stop making sweeping generalizations against it. Mother fucker, we gays are forcing Christian shop owners to close shop left & right with hundreds of lawsuits…and our crusade is JUST begin. Tell your Christian family and friends to sleep with one eye open, because we gays are not fucking around anymore. Christians are and will always be public enemy number one!

"Can I have a link, please?? I want to reblog it!"

Reblog? like your cryptic voyeuristic blog devoted to illegally stealing photos of shirtless gay men on dating sites and reposting it with overtly creepy hastags? Btw that's already been reported to law enforcement coupled with a few of those guys being notified on grindr as well. Enjoy the lawsuits. Reposting photos from people's personal profiles on various sites is illegal and something you agreed to in the terms & agreement for grindr. You're going down Frank. Next time you fuck with the gay community, know some of us play dirty and fight vicious. Now you know. This is just round 1.

"Bring it. I love lunacy!"

Look no further than a mirror grandpa, because any COCK SUCKER who gets his ass on a gay blog and throws ahissy fit over words expressed about Christian-Cunts but then turns around and trivializes the horrific actions by Christian-Cunts toward a gay child is the epitome of lunatic.

28 Christian based businesses forced to close shop in the U.S…this year alone. All thanks in part to lawsuits foisted upon them by the gay community. Kills a piece of you inside, doesn't it Frankie? I can smell the cancer cells growing. Go pray about it

I stopped responding.

awww where'd you go old Frankie? Frankie freaking the fuck out, perhaps? Aww, go pray about it in that BUYBULL (oops, I mean bible) of yours. You know, the trite book written by men to control the masses, rape innocent victims, kill people and in which finally society is rejecting it now more than ever. Welcome to our gay forums where the first rule of thumb is constant and consistent joyous bashing of Christianity and organized religion. Enjoy the ride!

And finally…

LOL at your "blog"…it's as creepy as you being a cat lover. Btw, the whole world hates cats. Except for creepy, loner old dudes with terrible social skills, most of us find your ugly cat to be a smelly flea ball that really ought to be slaughtered in Asian countries. Only use and purpose those ugly evil creatures serve. As for your blog….all two visitors must be so proud of it.

I don't even know what to say.

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