Archive for February, 2016

Tuesday Scruff Extra!


Click on leonidas (and click again!) for a closer look!

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Man On the Street

Man on the street

People were openly gawking at this guy at Hannaford. There were Tex Avery eyes everywhere! Click on the man (and click again!) for a closer look!

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Today’s Man

Today's man

Click on the man for a closer look!

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J No. 326

J No. 326

Click on J for a closer look!

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Today’s Photo

Seed Pods

Seed Pods. Congress Street, Portland, ME (Click on the photo for a closer look!)

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Wednesday Scruff Extra!


Click on KYW (and click again!) for a closer look!

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Making That Face

That face

Click on #selfie for a closer look!

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Today’s Man

Today's man

Click on the man for a closer look!

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J No. 325

J No. 325

Click on J for a closer look!

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Today’s Photo

Casco Bay

Casco Bay. Portland, ME. (Click on the photo for a closer look!)

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Thursday Scruff Extra!


Click on Southernbred for a closer look!

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Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene

Click on the man for a closer look!

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